Thursday, June 21, 2007

Didya get it???

Poor attempt at some humor with that last post, but having been home with:
- first the little boy
- then the boy and the 2 y/o
- then all three

for the past few days has not allowed me much time to update, let alone get a minute to myself for yoga and self-actualization techniques. OK, forget the yoga and self-actualization.. those who know me probably are not even reading this sentence because they are laughing to the point of choking.

OK, to the point at hand.

The party on June 10 was a success... a big success. Thanks to all the friends, family, and firefighters who stopped by help out. OK, so there was no need for firefighters, just thought I would keep you all on your toes. Everyone loves a party... The kids had fun in the trampoline (it has since been taken down and sent away) and the swings (thanks Grandma Kathy for the pushes). Thanks Grammy for the water toys (big hit, not pictures.. sorry). Thanks for all the food that was delivered... I think I am still finishing off bits of cold salads, fresh wurst and various other pork products, and I think we finally relinquished one of the 6 cakes to the trash because it was growing something of indeterminable origin.
So Mike, Laura, Maddie and Kayle are now in Florida and getting themselves set up. We wish them well.. especially in the lovely temperate weather they will experience June through October. I remember coming out to my car at 2-4 PM when I lived there and actually feeling the steering wheel deform in my hands. And one more hint... keep your trash and recyclables very tightly closed and accessible because the bugs are monstrous down there.... palmettos the size of your fist.
Aunt Babette has now signed a contract on her house sale and should be heading off to the Carolinas shortly (keep next Easter week open... hint, hint....)
Everyone survived their birthdays without too many joints creaking....

So we turn to the family...
Cooper says hello... And we love our mommy, even when asleep. Dad's OK too.
You know sometimes even just eating a meal is too much. And of course he loves his big sister Olivia as well. Any time in the high chair is a good time. And sometimes you just have to work on your street cred...

Gotta love the whole family together. Olivia, Cooper, Susan, Kira (dad of course taking the picture).

The girls are, well, the girls... a rare moment of playing together in peace and harmony. Now get your hats and gloves ready because Hell hath begun to freeze....

Kira is getting prepared for preschool next year.. potty training ho!!! Olivia has just graduated from Kindergarten and is just growing up so pretty and so fast, don't you think?

Finally, for some new tricks... I can stand, I can reach, and of course I have the "who, me?" look down already.

OK, I know it was a long time coming, but hopefully worth it. We have been taking some more pictures lately and hopefully will be able to get them posted more regularly.


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