Thursday, June 7, 2007

Party update.....

Good afternoon all....
Quick update...
Here is what I have to date:

- Aunt Babette - baked beans? Maybe some of that yummy german potato salad?

- Jenn - dessert bars with mint choc chips sounds great.. seeing as my family alone housed a whole plate of those mint choc chip cookies at Easter.

- Aunt Harriette - sent you an e-mail, but to clarify.. some kind of pasta salad (without bits of jell-o in it?)

- Karen - cricket cookies sounded intriguing but not sure how hot of a commodity... I e-mailed your mom about maybe a nice green salad or something???

- Ron/ Nancy - big cake to go along with the other couple of cakes since we are celebrating a bunch of stuff.

- Samantha - please don't feel intentionally left off the list, but did not have your e-mail (will fix that this weekend).. but did ask that the invite be sent to those whom I might have missed and you got it!!! No need to bring anything, but I will leave that to your own devices if you decide to bring.

- Grandma Kathy - bringing a marinated London broil and macaroni salad... and cake for dad's {gulp} 60th birthday....

- Sue / Tanny - soda and vegetable tray

- I will have freshly made burgers, hot dogs, grilled chicken, chicken wings, chips and such, water, drinks, fruit.

Feel free to bring water or drinks if you would like as well.
If there are any other questions or concerns - directions?, shoot me an e-mail at because that is the best way to get a hold of me.

See you all Sunday. Sorry, no pool for which to swim, but I could put the sprinklers on :-). Also, mom has bought some lawn games for the kids, we will have the trampoine up and running along with the swings.
